Singing Guide: Dizzee Rascal

Singing Guide: Dizzee Rascal

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Dylan Mills, known professionally as Dizzee Rascal, is a British rapper, recording artist, and music producer with a unique sound. His distinctive style combines grime, rap, and electronic dance music. His music has won critical acclaim and popularity worldwide. Dizzee's vocal technique is characterized by his unique British accent, rapid-fire delivery, and clever wordplay. In this article, we'll explore how to learn singing like Dizzee Rascal and showcase some of his best tracks.

  • Breathing Basics
    Breathing is key to Dizzee's flow. His fast-paced delivery demands powerful respiration. Our blog post on breathing basics is a great starting point to improve your breathing.
  • Voice Types
    Knowing your voice type can help you identify your unique singing voice and build your style accordingly. Voice types are classified as soprano, alto, tenor, or bass. Check out this blog post to learn more about voice types.
  • Pitch Accuracy Test
    Dizzee's rapid-fire rapping requires a great sense of pitch. Check out Singing Carrots pitch accuracy test to practice along with simple melodies and improve your pitch.
  • Vocal Pitch Monitor
    Singing along with Dizzee's tracks can help you improve your pitch accuracy. You can use Singing Carrots vocal pitch monitor to see your sung notes on a virtual piano.
  • Breath Support
    Dizzee's technique demands impeccable breath support. To learn breath support, check out our blog post and practice exercises presented by Farinelli breathing.
  • Singing with Intuition, Skills, Emotion, and Thinking
    Our blog post on singing with intuition, skills, emotion, and thinking highlights four areas of singing that are essential to Dizzee. Emulating his energy and style while singing will take you closer to his sound.
  • Vocal Health
    Protecting your vocal health is crucial in developing your voice. Check out our blog post with tips for maintaining proper vocal hygiene.
  • How to Find Your Own Authentic Voice
    Dizzee's unique style is wholly authentic. Our blog post on finding your own authentic voice can help you learn to embrace your individual sound.

Dizzee's unique style combines grime, rap, and electronic dance music, characterized by its complex beats, sharp lyrics, and addictive hooks. Some of his best-known tracks include:

  • Bonkers
  • Fix up, Look Sharp
  • Dance wiv Me
  • Bassline Junkie
  • Holiday

In conclusion, learning to sing like Dizzee requires attention to breath support, vocal pitch accuracy, and individual style. You can use Singing Carrots tests, training, and tools to improve your singing and free your voice like Dizzee.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.